11th Provox campaign: Connecting Europe with young people

The 11th Provox campaign, entitled “Connecting Europe with young people”, is part of theYouth Goals #1 goal, the European objectives for youth. The National Union of MFRs has renewed its commitment within the Provox National Working Group (GNT), thus contributing to this ambitious participatory dynamic.

The EU Youth Dialogue: a mechanism at the heart of citizen participation

Le EU Youth Dialogue constitutes a mechanism for citizen participation set up on a European scale. This system is based on a method of structured dialogue aimed at including young people in the development of public policies that concern them.

Since 2011, the Cnajep (Committee for National and International Relations of Youth and Popular Education Associations) plays a central role in coordinating this dialogue in France. Bringing together more than 70 youth and popular education movements, the Cnajep acts as the French National Youth Council.

Provox: a campaign to make young people's voices heard

In France, the EU Youth Dialogue is called Provox. Organised over 18-month cycles, each Provox campaign aims to collect young people's proposals and integrate them into the construction of European youth policies.

For the 11th campaign, which will take place from January 2025 to July 2026, the central theme is European Youth Goal #1: Fostering young people's sense of belonging to the European project and establishing a strong link between the EU and youth.

Sub-objectives include:

  • Ensure meaningful youth involvement and dialogue at all stages of EU decision-making, by improving existing participatory mechanisms and creating new ones.
  • Ensure fair access to impartial, quality and youth-friendly information on how the EU works, how to participate and the opportunities it offers.
  • Introduce and strengthen education about Europe and the EU in formal and informal settings.
  • Ensure fair representation of all Member States in EU political and administrative bodies.
  • Increase the budget and impact of EU youth programmes.
  • Strengthening young people's confidence in the European project by tackling the democratic deficit, the lack of transparency and visibility.
  • Institutionalise the evaluation of the consideration of young people and the impact of EU policies.

The National Working Group (NTG): the driving force behind the campaign

The GNT is the space where the strategies and priorities of each cycle are defined. Member associations participate in several working meetings spread over 18 months, promoting co-construction and mobility around common objectives.

The National Union of MFRs joined the GNT for several reasons:

  • To be part of a European system which encourages the civic participation of young rural people with a concrete result: the vote on a European resolution.
  • Co-construct, alongside other associations and partner institutions, public policies promoting the participation of young people from rural areas, by integrating local, national and European dimensions.
  • Create synergies with different stakeholders on common projects and aspirations, in particular to meet the specific needs of young people in rural areas.
  • Engage concretely on issues such as European citizenship, European programmes for young people in rural areas and better consideration of their voices at all levels.

To ensure the success of the campaign, each member of the GNT plays a crucial role in:

  • To contribute to the mobilization of young people during the different phases of the campaign.
  • Co-host activities, relay communication campaigns and promote Provox-labeled events.
  • Communicate actively to broaden the scope of the campaign, in conjunction with the Cnajep, the Erasmus+ France Agency and the Ministry responsible for youth

Call for applications: become a Young Delegate of the 11th campaign

A new important step in the campaign is the choice of the pair of Young Delegates. These young ambassadors will have the mission to represent their peers and actively contribute to the EU Youth Dialogue. The mandate includes several missions:

  • At the European Youth Conferences, political meetings, partner events and with associative networks, he will be identified as the spokesperson for young French people.
  • Representation : He will be responsible for bringing the campaign to life on social networks, with the community and partners; it will also be an opportunity to let his creativity speak!
  • Communication : The animation of the Provox community will involve the co-animation of consultation workshops, events or training on the EU Youth Dialogue and the Provox approach.

The deadline to submit a application is set at 17 janvierA unique opportunity to participate in an enriching experience and to be at the heart of European youth issues.

To find out more and join this dynamic, go to the official website of the Provox campaign or contact the Cnajep directly.

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