We are in a transition phase that we must exploit, that we
develop, we enrich and there must be the will of everyone
to continue the project; we can't stop there, young people
count on us!
What we can observe as an impact is the willingness of the participants to
better position yourself in the process, to invest more for better
know the territory and the institutional partners who can
be facilitating to develop education by integrating mobility
European Union and involvement in rural areas.
The V4C program will feed the MFR project in the RSO approach
(Social Responsibility of Organizations). Mobility is central
to support young people. The government proposed to make a
Erasmus compulsory apprenticeship for 6 months for all apprentices
; we already know how to do it, we will be able to continue and strengthen the approach.
European exchanges are major elements of our pedagogy,
based on the encounter. We continue to convince people of the interest of
participate in this type of meeting and work. We wish
increase spaces for exchange and shared experiences between countries
to draw inspiration from it, to have elements of comparison both from our
functioning and that of other territories. This helps us to
enrich our teaching and accompaniment methods, support of
our young people and our teams.
The next step is communication. It is essential to
meet the administrators to question them on the subject,
strengthen the “Europe Commission” of the Union’s Administrative Council
of MFRs so that it can be a force of proposal to
other members of the CA and with the Federations. We can not
work without the Federations to stimulate the teams and
directions in their territories and invite partners to both
institutional (local and territorial authorities) but also
professionals and civil society to work and reflect
together on how we can enrich our territory through
European initiatives and projects.
_ Marie-Noëlle Tapia, administrator at the Union Nationale MFR and member of the Europe commission