Strategies and opportunities: digital transformation

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the importance of digital education for the digital transformation that Europe needs. In particular, she highlighted the increased need harness the potential of digital technologies for teaching and learning and develop digital skills for all.

In accordance with the strategic priorities of the digital education action plan (2021-2027) 2, the program aims to support this initiative, which aims to engage learners, educators, youth workers, youth and organizations on the path to digital transformation.
The program will support the first strategic priority of the action plan, namely the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem: in all types of education and training institutions, it will build capacities to develop digital transformation plans and harness the possibilities offered by digital technologies for the teaching and learning at all levels and in all sectors, as well as the critical understanding of these subjects.

The program will also support the second strategic priority of the action plan, by supporting actions aimed at strengthen the development of digital skills and competences at all levels of society and for all (especially for young people with fewer opportunities, students, job seekers and workers).

Emphasis will be placed on promotion of basic and advanced digital skills as well as digital skills, which has become essential for everyday life as well as for enable citizens to evolve in a world populated by algorithms and to participate fully in civil society and democracy.

In line with these two strategic priorities of the action plan, a European digital education hub will be set up in order to improve the coordination of digital education at EU level and to contribute to the exchange of good practices. and experimentation in the field of research.

This pole will aim to support Member States through closer intersectoral cooperation; to set up a network of national digital education advisory services in order to allow the exchange of experiences and good practices on the factors favoring digital education; to establish a link between national and regional digital education initiatives and strategies; and connect national authorities, the private sector, experts, education and training providers and civil society through more agile development of digital education policies and practices. In addition, this pole will help monitor the implementation of the digital education action plan.

The program should target a wider target group, both inside and outside the Union, through greater use of information and communication tools and technologies and a combined use of physical mobility and virtual learning and cooperation.

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