Controversies & cooperation

At Inter-Mondes, we want to know, learn from others. On sees our contribution more in the second line for both:

- before the meetings, help if necessary to provide conceptual or practical tools or to enrich those proposed by the partners;

- during the meetings, help to record the discussions and feed them, if necessary, with questions and other experiences that could make sense, "mirror effect", in short, help to reflect on the situation presented ... ;

- after the meetings, help produce documents, either feedback from the discussions or technical sheets. In particular, we would like to present some practical tools to aid discussion, aid communication between different actors. “Compass” type tools in the form of small video capsules…

We underline the importance of controversies (calm and constructive), controversies often being a way of creating - or using - “situations” (sources of dynamics or transformative processes)

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