Festival # maydaysMFR2021

This event helped to strengthen the power of young people to act and to promote the appropriation of political dialogue by European citizens. It represents a step in the journey of committed European citizens of young rural people, some of whom are instructors or learners in MFR.

This festival is part of the activities of Popular Education and Education to the World and Others, priority axes of the MFR movement. The first edition of this event took place last year as part of the Start The Change program, co-funded by the European Union

The MFRs of the Bourgogne Franche Comté, Réunion, Mayotte, Normandy, New Aquitaine, Provence, AURA… region are involved as well as the Breza associations in Croatia and the NAPOCA GAL in Romania with the rural youth parliament

Le CNAJEPBatik Internationalnal et Budding voters are partners of this festival, the content of which contributes to the PROVOX campaign “Participation, Emancipation, Transformation”. Decision-makers and elected officials took part in the actions of young people, far from any partisan approach but to explain the political decision-making processes in Europe, such as certain members of association boards, local or European elected representatives such as the MEP Stéphanie Yon-Courtin.

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