Transnational meeting on territorial dialogue and vocational training

While globalization continues to strain the economic and social balances of the territories, many players are looking for innovative tools and means to improve the dialogue between education and vocational training systems and the skills needs in the territories. The challenge is to enable VET decision-makers and other actors to consolidate their posture and to assert a strong territorial positioning within the European space, by integrating global challenges, and more particularly human migration and ODD.

Training-action consists in sharing and deepening the tools and methods which allow the active listening of the territories and lead to the development of the most strategic skills for decision-makers. The action-research and training-action methods are used by partners to identify and reinvest territorial, European and global challenges fairly quickly in their strategy.

By taking ownership of the territorialized political project approach, decision-makers are preparing to assume a broader responsibility, in a territorial framework as an elected representative or member of a coordination or animation team. Awareness of the European framework and global challenges should facilitate action by fleshing out the strategy. In the eyes of the partners, this step is a prerequisite for professional training systems in line with the skills needs in the territories, able to respond quickly and qualitatively.

Transnational meeting

For this transnational meeting within the framework of the VET 4 Change program, representatives of several countries (France, Croatia, Iceland, Romania, Slovenia, etc.) will pool their experiences on the issue of youth participation in territorial dialogue with a view to contribute to the EU strategy 2027 and the Sustainable Development Goals, based on the reality of young people in rural areas and the place that vocational training can take to accelerate change.

EYE = European youth event

Young people will directly relay the proposals and contributions during the European Youth Event (EYE) which will take place at that time in Strasbourg. These exchanges will also be included in the conference for the future of Europe in order to disseminate the group's reflections and proposals.

Some of the young people will be directly registered with the EYE, the other will participate in the group's exchanges with an informal link to the European event. Young people aged 16 to 30 can participate in the event online by following this link

The participants wish to leave with the tools and methods necessary to be able to implement an advocacy for vocational training in European rural territories, taking into account the voice of young people and the United Nations 2030 horizon (Sustainable Development Goals) as well. as the EU's vision for rural areas in 2040.

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