After reading the document, here are the key elements to remember to respond to the MFR movement.
The period which runs from May 9, 2023 to 8 May 2024 is proclaimed European Year of Skills. The general objective of the European Year of Skills is to encourage the emergence of a mindset geared towards retraining and upskilling, aims to contribute to the creation ofquality jobs, with a view to fully exploiting the potential of ecological and digital transitions so socially equitable, inclusive and just, and thus defend equal access to skills development and reduce inequalities and segregation in education and training, as well as contribute to continuing education and career progression, by giving citizens the means to access quality jobs and participate fully in the economy and society.
The commission will present on May 31, 2025, a report on the implementation, results and overall evaluation of the initiatives. This report includes ideas for further common approaches in the area of skills to create a lasting legacy for the European Year of Skills.
On September 15, 2021, the President of the Commission announced the launch of a structured dialogue to strengthen commitments to skills and digital education. The European Year of Skills builds on this process. The European Year of Skills follows theEuropean Year of Youth 2022, whose objective was to give young people the means of action and establish a dialogue with them. The European Year of Youth 2022 has highlighted the importance of skills to enable young people to find quality jobs and broaden their employment prospects.
The ambition is to guarantee by 2030 an employment rate of at least 78% and the participation of at least 60% of the adult population in training each year. 28 occupations were considered to be suffering from labor shortages in 2021, including healthcare, hospitality, construction and services, technology and information specialists, security especially from cybersecurity experts, as well as workers with backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
There is still considerable potential for reconversion and improvement who could alleviate growing labor shortages.
Recognition of competence
Confidence in qualifications will be possible by accelerating and facilitating the recognition of qualifications to support the growth of the Union's social market economy, with the aim of increasing its competitiveness and contributing to the creation of quality jobs.
Union tools, such as the CEC, Europass, ESCO,European tool for profiling the skills of third-country nationals, European digital apprenticeship credentials, the gate eures and Union competence frameworks concerning skills must be understood and valued, whether acquired in formal, non-formal or informal contexts, such as language skills, critical thinking, entrepreneurship, creativity, intercultural skills, teamwork and media literacy.
Committed citizens
A better qualified workforce also means active and engaged citizens. THE social dialogue also plays an important role in anticipating skills needs in the labor market. THE pact for skills launched by the commission in 2020 more than 700 organizations have signed up and 12 large-scale partnerships in strategic sectors have been established with the commitment to provide 6 million training opportunities.
Conferences, discussion forums and other events aimed at promote debate on the role and contribution of skills policies thus also supporting a active and engaged citizenship.
Lifelong learning
Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality for everyone. CPF and micro qualifications for lifelong learning, promotes formal, non-formal and informal learning opportunities to create a inclusive, sustainable, socially just and resilient union.
Retraining and upskilling benefit from significant financial support from the Union, particularly under the ESF +, FRR, SPRING, LPF, Invest EU, program for a digital europe, Erasmus +, Horizon europe, LIFE, fund for modernization, instrument of neighborhood, development cooperation and international cooperation Europe in the world.
Vocational education and training recommendations
Modernization of VET systems is necessary to manage recovery and just transitions togreen and digital economy. It promotes VET as a potential vector of innovation and growth, capable of adapting to changes in the labor market and promoting inclusion and equal opportunities. It is essential to increase the attractiveness of VET through communication and awareness campaigns.
The promotion of programs, funding opportunities, projects, actions and networks of interest to public, private and non-governmental stakeholders participate in the design, dissemination and implementation of retraining and upskilling opportunities, training and VET.
Succeed together
The coordination of the European Year of Skills at union level follows a transversal approach with a view to creating synergies between the different Union programs in the field of skills.
Le green pact for Europe sets the trajectory towards climate neutrality of the Union by 2050. The committee admits that the ecological transition can only succeed if the Union has a qualified workforce. It also recognizes the importance of strong partnerships between the Union, Member States, social partners and other relevant stakeholders and of cooperation between and within industrial ecosystems.
There is a need to strengthen the relevance of skills and the supply of skills by working closely with cross-sectoral and sectoral social partners, public and private employment services, businesses, civil society entities, social service providers at non-profit and education and training providers, and by promoting cooperation between them, as well as by developing concerted approaches and facilitating the recognition of skills and qualifications.
It is important to attract third-country nationals with the required skills to Member States, by promoting training opportunities, including where appropriate language education and training, skills development and mobility, and by facilitating the recognition of certifications.
Form and promote working groups, technical meetings and other events aimed at encouraging discussion and mutual learning including the preparation, publication and dissemination of bonnes pratiques.