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Civic engagement at the MFR of Gionges x MFR Polynesia

Focus on the MFR Gionges project: for a Civic Engagement of Young People Outside...

2025: European Year of Digital Citizenship Education

The Council of Europe's education ministers have designated 2025 as the "European Year of...

Lifelong learning (FTLV): France and Europe are banking on micro-certifications

In an interview with EPALE, Frédérique Vidal, former Minister of Higher Education and Research,...

11th Provox campaign: Connecting Europe with young people

The 11th Provox campaign, entitled “Connecting Europe with young people”, is part of...

About LGBT in rural areas

How can we create a safer school environment for gay youth in rural areas?...

AlimenTerre x Erasmus+: a winning combination in Drôme

The MFR des Baronnies is organizing the screening of two hard-hitting films among the 9 selected by the festival...

Rural Youth Survey: Access to Opportunities

Students over 18 years old in training in the MFR network and MFR employees under 30 years old are invited to participate in the survey to make the voices of young rural people in vocational training in our territories heard.

TOP10 of 100 ideas for rural youth

100 proposals from young rural people from all over Europe were collected. Our selection of the top 10 in connection with the projects carried out on the ground

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