Assessment: Europe in MFR 2023

Implementation of the Movement Project

The actions implemented in 2023 around Europe are based in particular on the work of a Commission of the Board of Directors which is exploring the avenues of action to implement the movement's project, one of the major axes of which is:

“A movement in action to strengthen engagement and citizenship”

The Guidance Documents specify areas in which the Union continues to:

· On the one hand, position yourself vis-à-vis public policies and contribute to them

· On the other hand, to seek out the most suitable financing and to support the network to facilitate access, most often from pilot projects and territories

Echoing the European priorities of youth, education, training and skills, the following themes are worked together:

· Governance and citizenship of young people (Education for Worlds and Others)

· Territorial anchoring of projects, cooperation and partnerships

· MFRs active in education and training in Europe

Means and organization

For almost 15 years, the union has been leading the network of regional developers of individual mobility projects from 4th grade to BTS. A lot of work on apprentices was carried out in 2023 on this subject where the Union is actively participating in Euro App Mobility.

It also carries out national experiments, most of the time with federations and MFRs. These are sometimes projects co-financed by Erasmus, complementary to individual mobility, with a goal:

· European cooperation and partnerships between organizations

· or advocacy on public training policies

· or even youth with citizenship and youth participation projects.

These are also rural development projects like LEADER (Link Between Rural Economy Development Actions) or cooperation between territories such as INTERREG.

Monitoring work is also underway to consider the use of other funds linked to the MFR movement project. For this, a team combining the resources of the territories and those of the union drives this dynamic by ensuring research and development functions, support for advocacy, strengthening of administrative and financial capacities, project management and communication. with a dedicated website.

What was achieved in 2023

· An experienced, recognized and structured network for mobility in Europe

· A dialogue established with the European institutions and with the Ministry of Youth on issues of education, training, youth and rural development

· Tools and methods to strengthen network work on the development of training, education for worlds and others and on territorial animation including a concrete experiment in Mayotte and Provence

What is in progress

· A reflection on the network organization around European projects and on the promotion and strengthening of expertise in the territories

· An exploration of the different European funding possibilities for MFR (Education and training, rural development, citizenship and governance, communication, cooperation between territories, etc.)

· Emerging advocacy from MFRs in France and Europe on professional training, youth and rural development

· A European reflection integrating the pedagogy of MFR, apprenticeship and the profession of instructor

· A network of strategic partners in Europe

Key events of 2023


· Support in submitting Erasmus regional MFR applications for internships in Europe (from 4th grade to BTS)

· Advocacy between European VET networks in La Rochelle: exchange on the pedagogy of MFR and that of partners to combine sustainable development and professional training

· Design of a territorial animation tool for professional training with the teaching teams of Grand Est and the LEADER program in Romania


· Support for MFR administrators on recommendations to the EU Council “for a Green and Inclusive Europe” alongside young people from the MFR of Réunion, AURA and Grand Est at the European Youth Conference in Sweden


· European experimentation of a territorial animation kit around vocational training with the national federation of LEADER rural development programs in Estonia


· Advocacy between European networks in Ireland: support for new arrivals in professional integration through language

· European action training for MFR administrators in Iceland with Grand Est and Provence: strengthening territorial dialogue for VET in the service of rural development


· Contribution of young people from AURA, Réunion and Grand Est as well as the rural youth parliament of Romania to theEuropean Youth Event at the European Parliament in Strasbourg

· Strategic meeting of the Erasmus + regional developers network in Saint Malo


· End of the experiment on territorial youth/education animation in Mayotte, financed by the LEADER program

· Erasmus + action training on territorial animation in Provence with a Slovenian regional development agency and a local action group from Romania


· Launch of the Youth in Provence territorial animation experiment financed by LEADER

· Participation in the Education Biennale with European partners on learning issues


· European exchange and advocacy in Estonia on digital and VET

· Participation in Erasmus days to promote the mobility actions of individuals and Education for Worlds and Others


· Intervention at the annual Erasmus + Conference “supporting active citizenship in Europe” in Toulouse


· Finalization in the Netherlands of recommendations to the European Commission to contribute to strengthening adult training in Europe

· Membership of the European professional training network EUPROVET

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