

The MFR network at the 10th Provox festival

The recommendations will be brought by the Youth Delegates to the next European Youth Conference, next September in Hungary, in order to be debated and adopted within the EU Council of Ministers.

Learning to dialogue through European projects to initiate local citizen initiatives

The first year students of the MFR Vertus spoke with Pascal Perrot - mayor of Blancs-Coteaux - about the political commitment of young people in rural areas.

The kilometers weigh heavily on the shoulders of young rural people

The issue of mobility takes a new turn when it comes to choosing your direction for higher studies while 70% of post-baccalaureate training is located in large metropolises. Young adults must necessarily adapt and cope with the higher cost of living in big cities.

Building hope: the youth festival in Drôme-Ardèche

This festival was a success. This is evidenced by what many young people have told us about it and also the feedback from the teaching teams. As for us facilitators and/or volunteers who came to the rescue, I think I can say that we experienced warm and meaningful moments.

Voting in the European elections is crucial for young people

Voting in the European elections is crucial for young people. The members of the Europe & Citizenship commission of the Board of Directors of the National Union of MFR position themselves on the following reasons.

The Great Education News of April 18

The SQOOL TV channel is interested in the Tide project! and interview Ronan - our territorial facilitator...

Erasmus+ campaign “Meet Europe, and above all yourself”

Meet the stories of Daris, Emma, ​​Iman, Joséphine, Laurine, Maud, Nabil, Shérine & Yanisse.

Young people take control of the city of Ghent

Participation in the European Youth Conference resulted in proposals for concrete actions by young people and for young people, in a spirit of Popular Education and collective intelligence.