HomeEurope in MFR

Europe in MFR

Provox Consultation Report #10

This report is based on the results of the qualitative and quantitative consultation carried out within the framework of the EU Youth Dialogue process.

Voting in the European elections is crucial for young people

Voting in the European elections is crucial for young people. The members of the Europe & Citizenship commission of the Board of Directors of the National Union of MFR position themselves on the following reasons.

Erasmus+ campaign “Meet Europe, and above all yourself”

Meet the stories of Daris, Emma, ​​Iman, Joséphine, Laurine, Maud, Nabil, Shérine & Yanisse.

European Year of Skills: decisions of the European Parliament and the Council

The coordination of the European Year of Skills at Union level follows a transversal approach with a view to creating synergies between the different Union programs in the field of skills.

Assessment: Europe in MFR 2023

“A movement in action to strengthen engagement and citizenship”

A territorial facilitator in Provence, funded by the Leader program

The TiDE project! Inclusive rural territories for Sustainable Development in Europe is financed by the Leader program via the GAL Haute Provence - Luberon, supported by the Regional Federation of Rural Family Homes of Provence (as part of Education for Worlds and Others) and carried by the National Union of MFR

European Year of Skills: towards digital and green technologies

The Year will begin on May 9 and last 12 months, with many actions and initiatives to launch and promote. Create your own event.

The future of Erasmus: take part in the public consultation

Participate here before December 8, 2023, allow 30 minutes of your time. To date, more than 500 reviews have already been accepted. France only represents 6% of respondents.