HomeEurope in MFR

Europe in MFR


A delegation of young people from MFR was present in Paris from November 18 to 20 for the...

European partners during #erasmusdays 2022

https://youtu.be/7vUU0jAXhdk Nous aurons le plaisir d'échanger avec quelques partenaires clés des programmes REuF !, InVert-R et VET 4 Change,...

Seminar: bringing Europe to life for and with young people

This meeting takes place in the framework of the PFUE and the European Year of Youth,...

The objectives for European youth

The EU Youth Strategy is the framework for European cooperation in youth policy for the period 2019-2027

The European Year of Youth

"Young people [should] be able to shape the future of Europe" ~Ursula von der Leyen

Publication: "In full letters n ° 166"

Young people and administrators represented the network at the launch of the European Youth Conference

#YouthGoals for youth, Europe and pop education

On what objectives is your MFR positioned? What activities do you put in place so that your young people fully experience your European citizenship? We are fond of your testimonies and at your disposal to accompany you on European projects oriented on the theme of European citizenship

Live launch of the European Youth Conference

2 administrators will be present in Strasbourg, a team of videographers will capture the highlights of their discussions with a dozen young people from MFR du Gare, Drôme-Ardèche and St Dié