


What integrative work-study does to “Learning”. What digital does to work-study: 2 themes for a...

What is “ApprEUnance”?

For some time and in the face of current developments, this neologism has accompanied the changes in the world of...

Slovenia: difficulties in recruiting young people from VET

On 12 and 13 September, members of the ApprEUnance program met in Ljubljana (Slovenia) for the...

Alissone Frandemiche

I am currently working as an assistant for European projects and citizenship at the Union Nationale des MFR as well as...

Olivier Gineste

Responsible for European development, Olivier knew the MFR when he worked in Senegal. His confidence in...

The European Year of Youth

"Young people [should] be able to shape the future of Europe" ~Ursula von der Leyen

8 steps to becoming a changemaker

https://vimeo.com/506204524/0c5c6c54a3 On parle de nous - https://mvt.mfr.fr/index.php/2021/02/24/video-devenir-un-changemaker-en-8-etapes/