CPF: from a French initiative to a right for all European citizens?

The European Commission seems interested in a system implemented in France in 2004 and improved in 2018. It aims to offer each citizen the possibility of having an individual right to training and apprenticeship: the personal training account . The CPF allows people to acquire training rights that can be used throughout their professional life. It has a universal scope and is open to all workers. Since January 1, 2019, as part of the law “for the freedom to choose one’s professional future”, the CPF is credited in euros and no longer in hours.

The CPF allows any active person, from their entry into the labor market until the date on which they exercise their full retirement rights, to acquire training rights that can be used throughout their career. professional life. The objective of the CPF is thus to contribute, at the initiative of the individual, to maintaining their employability and securing their professional career. It is about “giving everyone the means to develop professionally and secure their professional career”, in particular by progressing by at least one level of qualification during their professional life or by obtaining a qualification within the framework of a reconversion. As an exception to the principle stated above, the CPF can continue to be used even when its holder has exercised all his pension rights, through voluntary service.

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