Rural Youth Survey: Access to Opportunities

Young people in rural and remote areas face particular challenges in participation, access to education, employment and youth services, compounded by digital and gender divides.

Improving the living conditions of young people living in rural areas by enabling them to realise their potential is a clear priority of the Council of Europe, which is preparing a Recommendation on rural youth to be adopted by the Committee of Ministers at the end of 2024, and of the European Commission, through EU Youth Goal 6 “Advancing rural youth”.

Le research partnership in matters of youth between theEuropean Union and Council of Europe organize a investigation (until December 31) on rural youth. This survey aims to study How young people – aged 18 to 30 – living in rural areas access opportunities and provides advice to policy makers on how to expand opportunitiesIt will feed into the production of a study scheduled for publication in June 2025.

This study provides a systematic analysis of the current and past situation (2018-2024) of rural young people aged 18-30, relevant policies and youth work services in a number of Council of Europe member countries in order to inform policy-making at European, national and regional levels. It focuses on the experiences and needs of rural young people in terms of education, employment, participation, social support, spatial mobility and access to leisure, culture and sports.

Students over 18 years old in training in the MFR network and MFR employees under 30 years old are invited to participate in the survey to make the voices of young rural people in vocational training in our territories heard.

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