The project takes place in a program entitled “100% inclusion, the factory of remobilization”. It plans to support 900 to 1000 young people and adults over 3 years towards employment or a sustainable activity, in the heart of around twenty predominantly rural areas. Its ambition is to experiment with integrated pathways, ranging from identification and remobilization to access to employment or to a sustainable activity.
In each of these territories, the project is piloted and implemented by the Maisons Familiales Rurales (MFR) and the Training and Promotion Centers (CFP) of the MFR with local actors gathered in a collective called the Territorial Steering Committee (COPITER )
The experimental project also includes a national dimension coordinated by the Union Nationale des MFR, with:
– a support plan for the field team
– an experience capitalization project
In cooperation with the territorial actors, each MFR and CFP of the MFR ensures the implementation of information, detection, support for the commitment of young people and adults in an integrated course chosen from three dimensions : Personal course (individual dimension), Co course (collective dimension) and Professional course (professional dimension). Each course project translates into an action plan to which correspond modules, activities, appointments, a calendar which are the subject of a reciprocal commitment contract.
The example of the CFP of St Malo
The Center offers:
- socio-professional support (Equality Action; 100% Inclusion Action)
- negotiation of work-study contracts (Prepa-apprenticeship action)
- professionalization and certification courses (Action Contracted Pôle Emploi Market Gardening; Action CQP Market Gardening; Action Title of Head of Digital Mediation Space).
The Center also offers:
- an initiation and development of digital tools thanks to the third place (Action Tools 2,0; Action Visa Internet; Action Pass Digital)
- support for the validation of acquired experience (VAE)
- support for Workplace Training Actions (AFEST)
- assistance and follow-up for the Provisional Management of Jobs and Territorial Skills (GPECT)
The center, through its territorial activities, acts for an inclusive integration of its population. It was therefore legitimate to engage in the 100% Inclusion action.
Our ambition is to contribute to the remobilization and support towards employment of low-skilled young people and long-term job seekers residing in rural areas and priority neighborhoods of the city. By designing and implementing suitable integrated pathways, this action seeks to respond to a dual challenge: to contribute to the inclusion of young people and adults and to support a balanced development of the territories to offer everyone the same chances of flourish and prepare for the future.
100% inclusion – our action
In rural areas:
- the solicitation of elected officials, mayors and social affairs assistants of rural municipalities
- meeting in spaces used by excluded populations (bar, bus stops, media library, etc.)
- the intervention then by animations built according to the requests/suggestions
In urban areas of priority neighborhoods of the city:
- intervention in spaces used by excluded populations (solidarity gardens, at the bottom of towers, near neighborhood houses, etc.)
- the approach is similar even if the places of life impact different behaviors, reactions, requests