Piloting territorial dynamics: intercultural encounter, leadership and co-development

For this second training session – from May 9 to 13 in Slovenia – with a group that knows each other well, we will continue the exchanges concerning intercultural encounter, leadership and co-development.

A progress report on research and the inventory of practices and expectations of each partner will be carried out with a view to working on the ability to distance oneself from what each person is experiencing, to get out of action/reaction mechanisms. , a change that is all the more important as the consequences of the global health crisis and the invasion of Ukraine by Russia force us to be imaginative or even “disruptive” in the words of Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner.

This can be done on an individual basis. Some partners have already spoken during the first training session in 2021:

  • Improving the quality of life in rural areas from the point of view of an association
  • Highlight the differences in territorial governance and analyze their strengths and constraints
  • Identify the postures and skills of the actors
  • Project yourself into the methods of supporting leaders to inspire or reinforce their practices

Facilitation will be provided by the Regional Development Agency of Gorenje and the MFRs accompanied by Inter-Mondes, IFOCAP and F3E on the method for measuring changes and solutions but also to provide useful notions for steering dynamics territorial.

Participants wish to leave with the tools and methods necessary to be able to support decision-makers throughout the year 2021/2022 and prepare them for the third training-action by knowing how to support case analysis thanks to shared methods and experiences. .

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