Podcast Laisse Béton – Let’s cultivate commitment at the MFR Mondy

The MFR Mondy was in the spotlight during a podcast of Let it go during which David, president, and 2 students Antoine & Floriane shared their experience at the MFR and in the Erasmus youth project that they experienced together. We invite you to listen to the following passages:

_ from 5min45 to 9min30: presentation of the Erasmus youth project;

_ 23min20 to 24min20: support from the National Union and financing;

_ 27min10 to 29min20: engagement of young people in the MFR network.

We extend our congratulations to the young people, who express themselves well, carrying a beautiful message of commitment, bravo for their participation in mobilities to challenge local, national and European decision-makers. This is thanks to the mobilization of David Seignobos for several years now, who brilliantly continues to embody the civic values ​​​​held by the MFR.

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