To go further: embody the movement

The MFR movement is what illustrates these projects, we are in a movement: we create spaces, we push back the walls a little, we open doors and people have the space to act and think.

There are several levels of awareness of the interest of these exchanges. There are many things that this generates that seem to go in all directions, such as realizing the diversity of opportunities and forms of engagement in the way certain countries welcome migrants and refugees. There are really different levels:

  • from simple awareness, 
  • everything related to the transformation of the profession, 
  • his own way of considering the profession and therefore the pedagogies 
  • up to more political issues of the engagement of young people and in their capacity to try to carry a message at the political level.

Regarding the recommendations and avenues for a future program, the issues to perhaps explore a little further are: how do we work on diversity? 

From the point of view of the MFR, the diversity which is still quite enormous in the ways of managing and implementing professional education in the territories, the question is: how do we exploit this diversity there and how do we make it more visible to other European countries? 

There is also a tension between sharing on a European scale while sharing in France. There is something to readjust, exploiting the wealth of MFRs in France a little more would also be interesting and would perhaps make it easier to see what we can change.

There is a whole pedagogy of collective intelligence that we feel is increasingly strong in the program. At a somewhat experimental stage, there are methods that we are testing.

The intercultural aspects are really interesting elements in certain countries, particularly regarding cultural differences. An example: Estonia compared to Romania. There was a Soviet political colonization called communism in Romania; which made things much harder for people, there was a mistrust, a mistrust, a denunciation between neighbors which means that now when someone proposes something, we are suspicious of them, we wonder what they are doing. has in mind, why is he asking me that. While in Estonia, which had the same colonization, this was not translated in such a strong way, a basic movement was always opposed to what the Russians asked to do, when someone proposed something directly today, we follow him. There is a much stronger kind of solidarity. These are really very strong, very powerful cultural elements, it would be interesting to explore these things in greater depth.

The Grand Est MFRs took their place in project coordination and management. Intermonde coordinated the evaluation but it is not this project alone which brings about the changes. For 3 to 4 years, we have relied on the governance of the regional network. From that, when the administrators spoke, we tried to implement things that were based on their words and their intentions. There was also support on the methodology which was really dedicated to governance. The idea was to see how to define a long-term vision and especially how to follow it as an administrator: how was their political vision being implemented?

The workshop that we tested in Estonia and Iceland provides facilitation tools to define a common strategy for professional training and education in general. There is something collective that is cultivated over time. What is happening today is the development of the intention of an MFR board of directors who left 15 years ago saying that in the territory we should open up a little more with internships abroad for young professional baccalaureate students. After several years, this provides something that would move towards this more global opening and revitalization of the rural world. It’s ultimately the same idea that we’ve been cultivating for 15 years. This dynamic is ongoing and we are not even able to see everything that these programs produce. It's small things that we don't even know about and sometimes we're surprised to see that ultimately what happened 3 or 4 years ago suddenly crystallizes in one place or another in different forms . The key is to take the time and look beyond the programs.

_ Mark

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