What is “ApprEUnance”?

For some time and in the face of current developments, this neologism has accompanied the changes taking place in the world of training.  

It therefore seems to us to be of advantageous interest to the Europe of skills and therefore to the partners of the project.  

Popularized by Ph.CARRE (2005, learning, Paris, Dunod), it gives the following definition: 

"Learnance describes a set of dispositions, in the individual learner, affective, cognitive and conative (idea of ​​effort), favorable to the act of learning, in all formal or informal situations, in an experiential way, or didactic, self-directed or not, intentional or fortuitous”. 

From now on, this concept goes beyond the field in which it was born (educational sciences) and flourishes at the idea of ​​an entire society which would (potentially) have become a learner.  

Thus, everything has become learning: The company, the team, the city, the organization, the territory, the coffee, ...

Beyond fashion, this abundance of "learning" thus shows a desire to reinvent ways of learning in a context of uncertainty and complexity. 

It is in this sense that this concept has become relevant for the partners of the project as it can reason for the vocational training center on its territory, the relationship with the partners of the vocational training centre, in the support of work-study students, in relationship with the work of the educational team and of course for the learners themselves. 

Following reflection by the partners of the "ApprEUnance" program, here is the definition they gave: 

“In the context of work-linked training / vocational training, learning is a broad concept that describes the processes and resources implemented by the learner in their learning journey. The process is learner driven and supported by resources in the environment. It is a lifelong learning process, which can be formal or informal. It is learner-led in dialogue with other stakeholders. Teachers are facilitators of learning. Freedom, autonomy and choice are necessary for learning. » 

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