This meeting takes place within the framework of the PFUE and the European Year of Youth, at the European Youth Center in Strasbourg. Focus: this center celebrated its 50th anniversary, there is also one in Budapest. Was present to conclude the event Christophe Castell, deputy director of interministerial public policies for youth and community life at the General Secretariat of the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
How can the EU-Youth Dialogue reach out to a much larger proportion of the youth population in an inclusive way?
A “UNDER 30′” podcast series has been developed by the EU-Council of Europe Youth Partnership, we encourage you to listen to them and rely on the most relevant ones to encourage youth participation.
In France, the structured dialogue is supported by the CNAJEP thanks to the cycle Provox, this year the French delegates are Maxime Michaud and Martina Schiattarella. The delegates of equivalent movements in other European countries were for some present such as Antoine Chavanne, youth delegate Belgium, Saakiye Baukari, youth delegate Germany and Sophia Carballo, youth delegate Spain.
The voice of young people in the conference on the future of Europe
The intervention of lauren mason made it possible to discover the european youth forum which established 49 recommendations, in particular to better recognize non-formal education, to agree on a minimum income for young people and to introduce voting from the age of 16.
A strong questioning emerged from the discussions around the inclusion of all young people including those who are hospitalized, imprisoned, young parents, etc.
How can the voice of young people from overseas and rural territories be better heard at European level?
The intervention of Nicolas Honorine – local mission south of Reunion, made us discover the AERA – the European Alliance of overseas territories, 5 are already associated. CRAJEP Reunion facilitates access to European funds to enable stronger representation in metropolitan France and in Europe. It is necessary to fight against the exodus in these territories and to encourage solid partnerships between these territories, notably via mobility.
The European Year of Youth 2022: an opportunity to strengthen and make more visible the cycle of EU-Youth dialogue and to strengthen citizens' initiatives in favor of Europe?
Currently, we are living the 10th cycle of European dialogue with youth. Previous cycles focused on the themes presented below. Each cycle gave rise to a resolution of the Council of Europe as well as to the drafting of european youth goals.
- 2010-11 – youth employment
- 2011-12 – youth participation in democratic life in the EU
- 2013-14 – social inclusion
- 2014-15 – youth autonomy
- 2016-17 – enabling all young people to engage in a diverse, connected and inclusive Europe, ready for life, ready for society
- 2017-18 – European youth: what next?
- 2018-19 – creating opportunities for young people (quality employment, quality youth work and opportunities for young people in rural areas)
- 2019-20 – Europe for Youth – Youth for Europe