Slovenia: difficulties in recruiting young people from VET

On 12 and 13 September, the members of the ApprEUnance program met in Ljubljana (Slovenia) for the 3rd transnational meeting with the aim of discovering the vocational training system in Slovenia.

The shortage of labor in almost all professional branches associated with the attraction to neighboring Austria and its high salaries, accentuate the difficulties of recruiting young people in vocational training. This is particularly marked with regard to agricultural training which seems neglected.

ANFRA presented a methodology for analyzing the surveys carried out in each partner organization. This step will give rise to in-depth methodological work carried out by the IPM (multimedia educational engineering) trainees of the CNP-R. This gives room for reflection on the place of the engineering of training systems in learning.

Future meetings, and in particular the training session in Iceland, which will take place from November 7 to 11, will give the floor to the actors themselves and in particular the learners.

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