Tag: Maydays

Maydays: a festival with a territorial dimension experienced by young people from MFR

On May 19 and 20, the MFR Drôme-Ardèche (Mondy & Anneyron) organized with classes of...

The Maydays MFR 2022 festival

They will develop and share their thoughts as rural youth for a green, sustainable and inclusive Europe.

Along the water: citizen trail in the Gorges du Gardon

The MFRs of Gard are engaged in a citizen journey and will make their voices heard on May 31 during the Maydays organized by the Union of MFRs

Europe at the heart of the debate

Testimonials from pupils of the Maison Familiale Rurale Mondy in Bourg de Péage, who took part in the European Youth Conference in Strasbourg from 24 to 26 January

What is structured dialogue?

The objective of the structured dialogue is to organize existing spaces for debate and participation in order to give voice to young people to enable them to participate actively in the democratic decision-making processes of youth policies.

Survey - do young people have the power to act?

Find the results of the survey on the participation of young people from MFR in the European citizen dialogue

# maydaysMFR2021 in Bourgogne-Franche-Comté

On May 27, the MFR d'Agencourt hosted this event in its premises and allowed ...

Festival # maydaysMFR2021

The CNAJEP, Batik International and Voters in Grass are partners of this festival whose content contributes to the PROVOX campaign "Participation, Emancipation, Transformation"

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