A territorial facilitator in Provence, funded by the Leader program

Experimenting, networking stakeholders, thinking and acting together around youth to promote rural territories for an inclusive and sustainable world, these are the priorities of the MFR, so we are strengthening the power of young people to act through education popular and professional training. 

By relying on the practices of collective intelligence and popular education, the actors involved in Provence Luberon will be able to give voice to young people and support them in the methods so that they can confirm their role as actors of an inclusive and sustainable territory.

For this, a territorial youth facilitator of the MFR is organizing, from this first quarter of 2024, times of exchange between actors, including local Missions, to then animate spaces intended to strengthen the power to act of young people in the idea of ​​a desirable future.

This will culminate in October 2024 in a Youth Forum in Forcalquier which will lay the foundations of a vision and avenues of action so that the Haute Provence Luberon territory asserts its capacity to respond to the challenges of today's world by relying on ALL young people and on dialogue between generations.

Directly linked to the MFR movement project "a movement in action to strengthen engagement and citizenship” and with guidance documents Experience Europe in MFR,Education at the heart of practices et Rurality and territories, the TiDE project! Inclusive rural territories for sustainable development in Europe is financed by the Leader program via the GAL Haute Provence – Luberon, supported by the Regional Federation of Rural Family Homes of Provence (as part of Education for Worlds and Others) and carried by the National Union of MFR. 

This national experiment on a defined territory aims to: 

  • Raise awareness of citizenship among as many young people in the region as possible through collaborative workshops and a participatory event
  • Promote increased collective capacity to face current and future challenges
  • Spread the culture of dialogue and facilitate citizen commitments
  • Strengthening young people's power to act: awareness of their body and voice
  • Strengthen dialogue with local decision-makers

This will be an opportunity to bring together existing and future initiatives, to materialize an already active territorial dynamic, to participate in social innovation in Luberon Provence, then to capitalize on this experience for other territories.

With the hiring of a territorial facilitator, the MFR Movement is participating in the creation of local jobs and will experiment with new forms of action on inclusion, citizenship, 

Together, we can encourage the emergence of active youth engaged in their future, even in rural areas!

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