Article written by carlos ribeiro, Kelvoa
A survey on the operation of these work-linked training sub-systems is underway to collect data on practices in the field and on the methodological options of each country, school or training centre. One of the objectives of the activities to be carried out in the near future will consist in deepening, through interviews and focus groups, the information collected by means of a questionnaire.
Another objective to take into account is the involvement of young people and students in this consultation process, a subject which will be the subject of one of the meetings of the partners in one of the countries of origin of the partners.
One of the most demanding aspects of this research and development process concerns the functions and activities of the professionals who accompany young people in second chance schools, vocational schools or training centres.
A starting point for this reflective approach will be the Annual Activity Report of current surveillance technicians or monitors, which may reveal not only the actions taken, but also notes on the surveillance methods and on the particular situations to which appropriate responses have been been brought. The functions of these professionals in this context of control appear very diverse and can even cover surprising areas of great institutional responsibility, as is the case of social judges.
In this research process, it is important to work on the relationships between the school and the spaces existing in other formal, informal and non-formal contexts, which emerge as learning facilitators, so that young people themselves determine the potential of each model. and provide elements for adjustments or changes that may occur if necessary and be an actor in the co-construction processes that will be carried out.
The Kelvoa Association, which acts as a facilitator in reflection processes, professional networks and communities of practice on the monitoring of people, organizations and communities, will play a supporting role in the project, seeking to contribute to the solutions that have just been systematized. constitute an added value in the sub-systems which integrate the alternation, that is to say a dual regime, in their educational structure and in the support for the development of students or trainees