Participation in political dialogue in Brussels during the Council of Ministers

For this transnational meeting within the framework of the program “Young Rural People Make the Europe of the Future! or REuF!, representatives from several countries will continue discussions and pool their experiences on the issue of participation of young people in territorial dialogue with a view to contributing to the EU 2027 strategy and the Sustainable Development Goals, based on the reality of young people in rural areas.

The young national elected representatives will directly relay the proposals and contributions during the Council of Ministers of the Council of the EU which will take place at the same time in Brussels. These exchanges will also be included in the conference for the future of Europe in order to disseminate the thoughts and proposals of the group.

Participants will leave with the tools and methods necessary to be able to implement advocacy for vocational training in European rural territories, taking into account the voice of young people and the United Nations' horizon 2030 (Sustainable Development Goals) as well as the EU vision for rural territories in 2040. They will then participate in the European Youth Conference in January 2022 in order to prepare their territorial advocacy for the return to their MFR.

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